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Four people one passion for good wine, good food, arts and beautiful landscapes

We are four people coming from very different professional experiences, but we share a passion for good wine and good food. We have learned, once passed fifty years of age, what really makes sense and matters in life, and at the first place we set family and human relations. We well understand that in life you have to look for quality, rather than quantity, flexibility rather than rigidity, kindness rather than selfishness, tolerance rather than intolerance, beauty rather than ugliness, slow and tailored goods and emotions rather than fast and machine made ones. All this is also reflected in our attitude in business which is fair and sustainable, with great attention to people and nature.

Now relax, pour a glass of good wine ... and enjoy Bottega Vini.

Slow life, slow food

Italy is the perfect environment to meet and promote our values. In Italy there is great attention to quality and environment, to preserve arts and landscapes as they have been donated to us by our ancestors, to keep routine and stress at the lowest level, in private life and business. What is known worldwide as the "Italian dolce vita", a concept often misunderstood abroad, is in reality a mental attitude that sets a priority on individual wellness based on an equilibrium between quality of work and quality of private life. This concept is breaking through also abroad, especially in US and Europe, in particular by the young generations, and is now in fashion as "work/life balance". Among things that make life sweeter and worthy, good food and good wine play a major role.

Landscaping and arts

With 58 sites listed by the UNESCO, Italy is the country in the higher number of  World Heritage Sites in the world. Art and culture, nature and landscapes are unique and surely worth a deep and slow immersion. Never make the mistake of visiting Italy with a short roundtrip touching a different city every day. This would be just a frustrating and useless experience. Choose a place (a city or a region) and take your time to get onto its culture, arts landscapes, and obviously, food and wines. We offer a proper experience of Italy with a number of assisted custom tours touching the best sites of the country, best winaries and restaurants, for superb experience and taste of the country. 

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